Weight loss calander

Weight loss calander

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Challange: Day 12

So today i was 171.7 pounds! yay .4 off! I cant say much for tomorrow tho , considering i sat it a car the whole day driving to go camping and only got at the camp site like 830 in the night. I get wifi here luckily. So ive been eating junk food sitting in a car since 12 pm . God damn it, i hate how i cant escape sweets, and yes i did break down , found the contract and ripped it up. So yes i had chocolate today and chips , the only realish food i ate was fries. I am hoping the scales at the camp site are right because i dont have my wiifit scale :( ... anywho im gone! -Doll


  1. btw: does anybody follow me anymore? haha

  2. Okay thank you! i felt so alone for the long period of time no one commented haha. I was wondering, have you lost any weight?

  3. not really im still 139.. i yoyo alot from 140 139 142 wierd.. lol
