Weight loss calander

Weight loss calander

Sunday, August 22, 2010

No idea where i am in the challange track

So thurday friday &saturday i weigthed in at 171.3 for 3 days straight. But tonight i weighed myself and it said 173.7 haha but your wegith shifts 2 pounds a day so im not going to go by that. Ill seriously tell you how much i am tomorrow when i weigh in at 2 or 1:30 like i normally do. Lastnight i had a big sleep over with lots of chip and dip and every kinda of chocolate, candies, and pizza. Oh and cookies. Basically anything the girls could find to bring. So that being said, i also did not work out yesterday or today because we were up the whole night and when i left my friend anna's house i went straight home and slept untill the eveing then i got up and ate supper and icecream ...blehh im a pig. And its only like a week until school and i havnt acomplished my goal for school year. Which was to be 165 atleast. Maybe if i buckle down, no more sleep overs or movie nights, i make sure to never pull another all nighter, and stick to my excersise track, then just maybe i can pull off 167 for school. .. well id better aim for 168 . I gotta see how much i really weigh tomorrow. ...ughh. Worst summer deit plan yet haha . I liked lastyears better even tho it was harder. But i dont feel that bad about myself honestly :) i know im not that big anyways because i dont gather fat unevenly. It spreads out everywhere in even amounts so im not top heavy or bottem heavy lol. With that said, i have until the 6th of sept to get fittt! lol which wont be much less than i already am, but itll be around 170 again. Then through out the year ill slowly take off more ... in time. It might take longer but atleast i can have my junk food! :) -Doll

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Challange: Day 13

I still weigh 171.7 lbs. Im glad i didnt gain! since i done no activity yesterday. I worked out for 40 minutes today and have been eating pretty healthy so i think i should drop a bit tomorrow if im lucky. I know i havnt reached under 170, &ive been making every excuse in the book as to why im not losing anymore weight past 170, but im just happy because since ive started this blog ive lost a little over 6 pounds :) & altho i may not see 169 on the scale, im glad i can be back to 170 at the least. So much for looking amazing by the school year. But atleast if i get down to 165 in the next 3 weeks , ill be happy. &then maybe ill expand my weight loss to oct 1st. So i can lost another 5 to 10 pounds in september. Im also gonna just update my blog every 3 days now! So ill talk to you again on saturday everone! xo -Doll

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Challange: Day 12

So today i was 171.7 pounds! yay .4 off! I cant say much for tomorrow tho , considering i sat it a car the whole day driving to go camping and only got at the camp site like 830 in the night. I get wifi here luckily. So ive been eating junk food sitting in a car since 12 pm . God damn it, i hate how i cant escape sweets, and yes i did break down , found the contract and ripped it up. So yes i had chocolate today and chips , the only realish food i ate was fries. I am hoping the scales at the camp site are right because i dont have my wiifit scale :( ... anywho im gone! -Doll

Monday, August 16, 2010

Challange: Day 11

So im pretty busy this week and there for could not blog the past couple of days. Ive been pressured and stressing and have been eating a bit more than i should. So ive gain like .6 or .7 of a pound (shame on me) my current weight stands at 172.0 lbs. Its so terrible of me to let myself do this. So today ive been working extra hard on staying happy not stressed and im eating alot less so im expecting to see around 171.something tomorrow. Even if its 171.9 its better than 172 ! id say ill see 171.6 on the scale tomorrow but i dont want to get my hopes up. It seems like everytime i get closer and closer to 169 i rebound. How unfair, but i have only myself to blame. Its okay though, because ive noticed another pattern. I lose a bit of weight then i gain a bit back but not all of it, then when i lose more weight, its less than i lost at first. Then again i gain a bit back and loss more. So im hoping this time when i loss it ill be under my lowest weight. -Doll

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 8 second post

So i was 171.3 again today. I suppose hanging around 171 is better than hanging around 173. Am i right? ... so i think im gonna stop eating so much bread and see if that changes anything. On the bright side, i lost 2.4 pounds this week :) its not the best but hey, weight gone is weight gone. Thats the main thing. I know if i didnt eat out so much this week i could have seen 169 on the scale but in time i will see it. Soon enough ! Im feeling so great about myself and thats the main thing! When i go back to school this year i will be more confident than ever. I hope my blog can have a positve influence on peoples lives so please accept this challange to lose weight and do yourself a favour. Youll love your body! I know i love my body with 12.6 pounds off :) i will not let my chance to be who i want to be in this life go. We only get one body, so make the best of it. Remeber that your killing yourself by keeping weight on and gaining more weight. So smarten up and shed those pounds. If you cant give up the sweets then itll take a bit more time to see results but itll still come off! trust me :) I used to never think i could lose weight. It seems so impossible until you actually lose it. Trust me , im a real person. Im not a fake diet company trying to buy you, im just a young girl trying to help others and get support from others. heres to around 10 more pounds off before the school year! & heres to YOU, reaching any goals you get :) Get the pounds off while you can people. As you get older it gets harder to lose weight incase you didnt know. So spend the next couple of weeks of summer enjoying the out doors while you lose weight. W all know once you reach halloween and christmas it gets hard to take it off, and dont wait for the next new years revolution when you can start now to lose it bit by bit. Tell yourself you love yourself because its important to remeber to stay positvie. Im so happy having weight off. even if i only see a small difference, i still feel like i can carry myself easier. Keep up the good work people -Doll

Challange: Day 8

What you say? where was i for day 7? i was missing in action, i had a long day. too long to explain what i done the whole time so ill cut to the chase , i gained as i thought i would yesterday, but it was only .2 of a pound .so yesterday i weighted 171.1 i know its not that big of a deal so i never worried much. However i feel like i should be worried for today haha i did not do very good on my diet lastnight. MY mother said i shouldnt be weghing myself every day because it could be thrown off by the amout of water i drink on different days and stuff, but it dosnt matter because i still look at all around weekly amount i took off, so today when i weigh in ill tell you the exact amount i lost in a week. -Doll

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Challange: Day 6

Another day, antoher step closer. Today i weighed 170.9 pounds. :) yes i have exaclty 13 pounds gone today. :) yes i am doing great and yes thats 2.8 pounds down the drain in 6 days. Which is reasonable because yesterday i ate everything but the sink in my kitchen, its a joke but seriously i ate so mucchhh food! But now that i have 13 pounds gone i can sorta see a difference in my clothing :)))) today i wore a skirt that could not fit around my stomach/love handles area and i could only fit it right under my boobs at the beginning of the summer, today i wore that skirt around my waste. I am very impressed with myself right now that i can not let myself gain any weight at all back! I am also proud to say that when i set my next goal to lose another pound, i found out that if i lose just one more pound i will be 169.9 lbs. ill be in the 60'ss!! even if its the high 60's, its still so great! &if i reach it, itll be the first time i weighted that light of a weight in like 2 years maybe even 3 years :). I didnt workout today but i walked alot because iwas at the mall all day again with a group of friends. I did not buy any clothing though because i want to wait until i have all my weight off before i get any pretty, nice fitting clothes. -Doll

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Challange: Day 5

So i now have 2.5 pounds gone within 5 days! thats right i weigh 171.3! i lost another .6 or .7 yesterday! :) ... i have a total of 12.6 pounds gone! &im hoping to be under 171 by tomorrow!!! i should reach 169 in just a couple of days! :) i hope everybody elses diets are working out for them too! Yesterday i went shopping with some friends so i was walking around for like a couple of hours. Besides that, i never done any activity. I ate some crackers and stuff that were sorta unhealthy yesterday too and i ate them late at ngiht so idk how they never sat on me haha. but im gone to workout -Doll

Monday, August 9, 2010

Challange: Day 4

So, i lost .2 of a pound which was a surprise because i ate so much pizza and pasta yesterday it was a shame. No one should have that much bread in a day! so now im exactly 172.0 pounds. I have a total of 1.7 pounds gone in 4 days ,and im hoping to have a total of over 3 pounds gone by the end of the week. So this being monday i have today , tuesday, wednesday, &thursday to get another 1.7 pounds off or more! that will give me a weight of around 170.1lbs. :) which is great because it means saturday i should see 169.9 or less on the scale!! wooo! :)) so happy! So i also have 2 BMI's dropped today! When i started losing weight i had a BMI of 28.88 i think. and now i have a BMI of 26.99. BMI: body mass index. In case you dont know what it is, it measures the healthy weight you should be depending on your weight. And a healthy BMI is 22 to 24 i think?? ...i might have that wrong it might be 18 to 24. Anywho i didnt work out yesterday and i might not have time to do it today either. Ive been verrryyy busy! Good luck people -Yours truely!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Challange: Day 3

3 days and 1.5 pounds exactly! I now weigh my new lowest weight, 172.2. Thats right! :) If i lose another 1.5 pounds in the next 3 days i will have like 3 pounds or more gone by the end of this week. I almost have 12 pounds off, right now i have 11.7. So close to 12!! ..and 12 is so close to 15! lol and 15 is only 5 away from twenty. I know im insane, but yea! it makes me excited! -Doll

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Challange: Day 2: post 2

So today i sized up my arms in the mirror with my younger sisters arms, and mine arnt that much bigger, altho she did gain a bit of weight, still! this means im getting smaller ,and i also saw that my stomach comes out only as far as hers does, altho she does not have love handles like i do. but still i like to compair because i rather see results than just look at the scale all the time. So i dont know if ill have any weight off tomorrow because i ate about 300 more caloiries than i did yesterday :( i know it wasnt good of me to do that but i had to eat some yogert and peanut butter to stop craving chocolate. Any ways i still expect to lose atleast .1 of a pound! atleast!! Im a emotional rollar when i cant have junk food. I know its terrible, but its me. I know ill be happy tomorrow though if i lose any weight.

Challange: Day 2

Yes, it is working! i lost .6 of a pound :) I was 173.7 yesterday (even though i thought it was 173.6) but when i checked it was actually .7 so sorry, And today im 173.1. If i can lose another .6 of a pound tomorrow i could be 172.5, which would make it my lowest number yett! but i know i shouldnt set goals, because if i dont reach them i get upset, a reasonable goal that i know i can make is to be under 173.0 tomorrow. -Doll

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day One of The 30 day challange

As you can see, my weight loss calender has 30 days tinted purple. This marks my 30 day challenge and i know i gained weight today but the main thing is that i still have over 10 pounds off. Even though i should have more off by now oh well im staying positive! Im sure by the end of summer ill have my total of 30 pounds off :) This plan seems bullet proof. I already done my 20 minute work out today. What i ate today was a banana, toast with peanut butter, honey roasted peanuts, and for supper im having chicken! Most of my day has protien or fruit. I do not think i will eat after supper unless i feel my stomach growling. Im gone now to cook. -Doll

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The big step

So, i done it. I offically promised on my mothers life that i will not eat any junkfood or sweets for a month. I am so crazy and determined about this that i wrote up a contract and i made my mom take it from me and promise not to rip it up or let me rip it up. So she has hidden it on me and if she loves me she will not rip it up haha. Call me crazy, but this really works. I done this lastyear when i droped 10 pounds except this time im gonna eat less than i did lastyear and im gonna workout more! ...Its the only way i can stop myself from eating sweets because i honestly have no self controll. So apparently its possible to lose 20 pounds in a month so darastic measures will be taken. I will drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day, eat 4 to 6 small meals a day and try to keep most of my foods filled with protien, fruit, or fiber. I will try to go for a walk for a half hour and do turbo jam 20 minutes work out every day. This is the only way i can do it, by kicking into over drive at last minute.. im such a procrastinator. -Yours truely

Again, not too too bad

So i expected to gain plenttty of weight from yesterday but turns out i only gained about .3 of a pound so today my weigh in was 173.1.. ill work it back off in no time! :) my goal is to be about 172 by sunday! its a good and easy to reach goal! i have 3 days to lose a pound so that shouldnt be hard :)) haha it has a double chin. lol anywho i was thinking about my goals and what not, and to be realistic, i will only take off another 8 pounds before my deadline of the second week of september and im kinda sad about that. i know ill have almost 20 pounds gone but i would be nice to have a bit more than that. i was hoping 30lbs gone before the school year started back up. oh well its still better than gaining weight am i right? well i hope its not muscle im losing that would be a bummer because i love my legs and if losing the muscle in them changes the nice shape of them i will not be impressed haha. i think i see a small difference in my arms tho :) they look smaller i must say. And i think my stomach has lost a bit of weight too because i can see that it does not come out further than my boobs anymore haha unless i try hard to push it out. This is good but it could just be in my head, i dont really know. i can just hope its not :) -Doll

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

About my day

so today was terrible lol . I ate around 1300 calories but im gonna work like about 400 of them off ! im gonna try my best because i had plenty of juice which is bad, and some sweets, and a big supper so i have a fun filled evening of turbo jam ahead of me! I really dont want to gain any wait. When i gain, i get very upset and eat even more because it makes me feel like giving up. When i lose weight it motivates me to keep it off! so i hope i work enough off tonight so that i stay the same or lose tomorrow, after all i have 11.1 pounds off now! and i know i wont reach my deadline, 171.5, tomorrow. I know i can reach like 172.2 or something like that which is still very good! :) because that would mean that in two days i would have 1.3 pounds off, even tho i wanted 2 pounds off by tomorrow i know that because of today it might not be possible. Im gonna go just walk around my front yard a bit to work a small amount of cals off until i can convince my brother to give me the tv to do some turbo jam hha. byebye -Doll

New low weight score!

Woot woot ,ahh yea! i lost .7 of a pound yesterday and now my weight is 172.8! i wanted to be under 173 so badly, and now i am. Though i dont know how long itll last because im going out for my brothers birthday supper today yumm. But ill try my best to work it off when i get home :) im gone now -Doll

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Back to the lowest weight yet

So i know i said id weigh in every 3 days . but maybe not, haha maybe everyday again! Because i weighted myself today and im back to 173.3 lbs! woot! and that means i only have to lose another 1.8pounds within today and tomorrow to reach thursdays goal to be 171.5, but i think id be happy even to just be under 172! I feel good about this already! :) i need to be able to lose a pound a day! if i cant i wont be motivated to reach my goal. So im going to try very hard for this! heres to lots of water, fruit, and protien! *digital toast* haha. Well im gone to go for a walk or something -Doll

New weigh in

So i just wrote a new post and it was all daleted on me, It basicaly said im gonna weigh myself every 3rd day now. and i started my new diet idea where i lose a pound a day for 2 days and on the 3rd day i eat what i want just gotta make sure not to gain it back. So i started my first days diet with and apple and banana. I was full after this so im not starving myself! dont ever do that! its terrible. Anywho im super happy about this i really think itll work and ill have all the weight i want off my september! which is a total of 25 or 30 pounds all together. Im gone now! ill update soon, - yours truely!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Not too bad.

Sorry i was with my friends all day yesterday and didnt blog, but i weighted173.7 pounds yesterday :( ..but then today i lost .2 of a pounds and now weigh 173.5 so its not so bad i guess :) ...i normally lose a couple pounds, then linger around them for a week, then lose a couple more, then linger around them. its odd. first i lingered around 178, then 175, now 173. Im shooting for 171 now :) ... anywho i had homemade bread today which is so bad but so good, so chances are ill be up a bit more tomorrow. haha oh well it was a nice treat and nan dosnt make it much. Oh well im gonna see if i can lose 2 pounds in two days for the next two days cause im sick of lingering lol so i wanna get to 171.5 and then take a days break :) and then another 2 days for another 2 pounds. im off to reserch how exactly to lose 2 pounds to make sure i do it exactly right. but i think all i have to do is eat 80% fruit & 20% protien. anywho byebye -Doll